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Nagradni konkurs "Najlepša pesma"

 Nagradni konkurs "Najlepša pesma"

Književni klub „Rujno"iz Užica, organizuje nagradni konkurs „Najlepša pesma"

Uslovi konkursa:
  • tema slobodna
  • do 3 neobjavljene pesme poslati u 3 primerka, potpisane šifrom sa razrešenjem šifre u posebnoj koverti
  • bez starosnog ograničenja
  • rok 15. mart 2008.godine
  • rezultati konkursa 30.aprila 2008.godine
  • pesme poslati na adresu:

Književni klub „Rujno"
-za konkurs-
Dragoljub Jasiković
Alekse Šantića 82
31000 Užice

Konkurs "Srpsko pero"

 Konkurs "Srpsko pero"

Savet 23. Književnog festivala 'Srpsko pero' iz Jagodine, koji po tradiciji treba da bude završen na Vidovdan 28. juna, raspisao je konkurs za ovu godinu.

Pravo učesća imaju mladi pisci do 35 godina starosti, koji žive u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Republici Srpskoj ili srpskoj dijaspori.

Rad na srpskom jeziku - pesmu, priču, esej ili međužanrovsko ostvarenje dužine do 10 kucanih stranica i to pod šifrom i u tri primerka, autori treba da pošalju do 15. maja.

Adresa je: Narodna biblioteka Jagodina [za konkurs 'Srpsko pero'], 35000 Jagodina, ulica Kneginje Milice 2. U posebnoj koverti treba
poslati rešenje šifre sa kraćom biografijom.

Pobedniku Književnog festivala, na koji je prošle godine stiglo više od 100 radova mladih pisaca, pripašće unikatna povelja, novčani deo i jedno likovno delo, dar Muzeja naive iz Jagodine.

International Short Story Contest

 International Short Story Contest

On the occasion of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and within the framework of the campaign "1001 Actions for Intercultural Dialogue", the Anna Lindh Foundation and its Spanish network call an International Short Story Contest aimed at young people from the 37 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean space.

The contest is aimed at the production of short stories whose content is related to intercultural dialogue as an instrument for the resolution of contemporary crises which concern the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The contest is aimed at young people under 30 years of age, citizens of one of the 37 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean space.

The short stories must be less than 2,500 words, and can be written in any of the official languages of the participating countries. They must be completely original and unpublished works.

The short stories must approach issues related to intercultural dialogue, especially of a political, socio-cultural, economic and environmental nature.

All stories must be sent to e-mail address.

The writers must include with the short story presented a photocopy of an identity document and personal details: name and surname, date of birth, nationality, address, e-mail.

The stories can be sent by e-mail until 12 midnight on 15th of March 2008.

Participation in the contest implies surrender to the IEMed and the Anna Lindh Foundation of the author's rights over the competing work. The Anna Lindh Foundation and the IEMed reserve the right to publish and use the works received for their future activities.

Carrer Girona 20, 5a planta
08010 Barcelona
tel: (+34) 93 244 98 50

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